General Information for Paper Submission
Authors are now REQUIRED to use the ANS Template and “Guidelines for TRANSACTIONS Summary Preparation” provided on the ANS Web site. Summaries must be submitted electronically using Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files and original Microsoft Word documents and the ANS Electronic Paper Submission and Review System. Summaries not based on the ANS Template will be REJECTED.
Guidelines for Summaries
Please submit summaries describing work that is NEW, SIGNIFICANT, and RELEVANT to the nuclear industry. ANS will publish all accepted summaries in the TRANSACTIONS. Papers are presented orally at the meeting, and presenters are expected to register for the meeting. Completed papers may be published elsewhere, but the summaries become the property of ANS. Under no circumstances should a summary or full paper be published in any other publication prior to presentation at the ANS meeting. It is the author’s responsibility to protect classified or proprietary information.
Required Template and Guidelines for Transactions Summary Preparation Document:
All accepted submissions must have the following copyright form completed in order for ANS to publish the summaries as conference transactions. Papers that do not have this form completed cannot be published as part of the ANTPC proceedings. Click here to access the Copyright Form.
Please e-mail this back to with subject header <SUMMARY_ID_NUMBER>_Copyright with the file named per the same convention.
Please have copyright forms completed and returned by July 8, 2018. A completed form is required for each submitted manuscript.